
kenyon murray wife

News Bulletin
"Are you sitting downwards?" Those were the words spoken to me by my and so five 1/2 week pregnant wife, Michelle. At this time, I was the assistant men's basketball game coach at Indian Hills Customs College in Ottumwa. My first coaching job and I was at one of the most successful programs in the country. Then with that, I spent a lot of time at the part or on the phone. This was a telephone call I wasn't expecting. Michelle worked in the radiology department at Ottumwa Regional Hospital and she had had one of her fellow techs do a quick ultrasound on her. At 5 1/2 weeks, our baby was barely the size of a grain of rice. I immediately asked her, "Is everything okay?" The thought that something was wrong with the pregnancy engulfed me because only a few short months agone, Michelle had miscarried and I was preparing myself for the worse. "What do you think about twins"?

Dream Come True
I was ecstatic over the news! Secretly, I always thought it would be absurd to have twins. Twins ran on the Murray side of the family unit, merely in every case, it doesn't affair if the father has twins in his family unit, having a groundwork of twins but pertains to the female parent's side. That is a sobering piece of information, because similar all dads, we want to take a lot of the credit, when our role is just a matter of minutes (hopefully) and the mother's part changes her for years. There were many times before Michelle and I were married that I dreamed of having twins. I had never shared that with her, only with the news, I was on cloud nine. I told Michelle how happy I was and the best thing about learning we were going to take twins, "we have two/v of Team Murray!!"

Pregame Preparations
And so when we decided to let "nature have its form", Michelle and I were planning on having "a" baby, but now nosotros had to "form correct" with everything we initially thought we had to practice to prepare. Michelle immediately scheduled a doctor'south appointment. The physician performed a "trans-vaginal ultrasound" about a calendar week later and saw 2 heartbeats. The doctor informed u.s.a. that 50% of twins don't make it and on numerous occasions, the parents never know there were 2 fetuses. Fast forward to week 8 and Michelle was already showing and could no longer fit any of her clothes. She came dwelling house in tears because she returned from the Gap and explained to me how she just burst into tears in front of the sales acquaintance. She was at that "in between" stage where she couldn't fit her dress, but she wasn't at the maternity size either. Let the trunk irresolute stage begin. She was narcoleptic, vomiting daily and on an emotional roller coaster where she would outburst into tears for no apparent reason. When she wasn't puking, she was eating us out of house and home.  She definitely was eating for iii. I would routinely have to finish at Arby's to get her one of the biggest sandwiches to hold off her hunger whenever we would drive anywhere. I was already getting tired of Arby'southward and Chinese food, because that was what she wanted to swallow ALL OF THE Fourth dimension!! But back to reality, having twins meant we were going to accept to "two" of everything. This meant we were going to have to have a bigger apartment, a bigger vehicle (we only purchased a Honda CRV) and double the clothes, diapers, stroller and cribs. We were living on the campus of Indian Hills due to the fact that I was a dorm supervisor, as well as a campus recruiter and basketball coach. We found an flat off campus, upgraded to a Ford Explorer and our family was not bad in helping usa purchase the necessities for Baby A and Baby B. It got overwhelming at times for the states both, with my existence in season with the basketball game team and Michelle dealing with the rapid growth of these two bundles of joy.

Special Gifts
Routinely Michelle would wake up in the middle of the nighttime clawing at her belly. This was due how fast the babies were growing and her peel was trying to aggrandize to accommodate the Murray Twins. She adult a rash then the doc put her on an anti-itch oral and topical medication. By the end of her 2d trimester (after 6 months), Michelle was already measuring full term and the Braxton-Hicks contractions were setting in. Considering of this, we decided to be cautious and Michelle stopped working at the hospital. We had as well found out that nosotros were having boys and before Michelle and I were even engaged, I told her I wanted my outset born son to be named Christopher. That proper noun was to honor my best friend  and teammate at Iowa, Chris Street. He had been taken abroad from us in a tragic car accident on January 19, 1993.  Michelle never balked at the thought and knew how much that meant to me. We threw a few names effectually, for the other boy, but nosotros will become to how we came up with his proper noun a fiddling later. With twins existence a "loftier adventure" pregnancy, Michelle was getting ultrasounds every month, then the techs were taking measurements to determine the development of the babies. They would mensurate the femurs of each baby and they consistently measured 3-4 weeks larger than their actual gestational age. We had some BIG BOYS!! Existence a lover of hip hop music, I was a huge DMX fan. I bring this up, because I would ever be playing one of his tracks when nosotros would drive any where. It never failed, when DMX came on, those boys would go crazy and basically do their best "So You Think You lot Can Trip the light fantastic toe" impression inside Michelle'south abdomen. With the boys being on top of each other, nosotros knew Baby A would come starting time, so he was going to be our Christopher, but what about Baby B? Our Babe B seemed to be a little more active on pinnacle and Michelle would have sore ribs from him constantly kicking her. Then this little guy had some "burn" in his belly and we found the perfect name......Keegan (means picayune fiery one). Perfect, we had our names. Because Chris Street meant so much to me, I knew I was going to honor him, but I had to ask Patty Street for her permission on one matter. The Streets will e'er concord a special identify in my heart, but like many parents, when you pick a name, in that location is a special attachment to why you chose it. In the instance of Christopher, I wanted to put my spin on his proper noun. And then I asked Patty if it was okay if I spelled our Christopher's name with the letter of the alphabet K? She had no problem with it and so our boys had their names. Baby A would be Kristopher James (heart proper noun after my dad) and Babe B would be Keegan Mitchell (middle proper name subsequently Michelle's blood brother).

Game Time
Michelle's Braxton-Hicks contractions had been getting more than and more frequent until on one occasion we put her in the back of our Explorer and rushed to St. Lukes Hospital in Cedar Rapids. Nosotros were going to have the boys in Cedar Rapids due to the fact that St. Lukes was a niggling more than prepared for anything unexpected in a twin birth and, Michelle'south family lived either in Cedar Rapids or Anamosa, Iowa. So at 34 weeks, we decided information technology would be best if Michelle stayed in Anamosa with her grandparents so that she would be closer to the hospital. I connected to work in Ottumwa, while Michelle stayed with her grandparents and kept off her feet. At 37 weeks, Michelle was measuring 52 weeks!! WHAT THE HELL!! She was uncomfortable and the fact that the boys were due in August, she was miserable with the estrus. Best thing about Indian Hills was the fact that we worked Monday-Thursday. Being none of our players were on campus, I would jet out on Th afternoon and be in Anamosa with Michelle Thursday evening until Monday morning when I would caput back to Ottumwa. On Saturday, Baronial nineteen, 2000, nosotros were having a family get together in Cedar Rapids. Michelle was having a hard time getting comfy and when the contractions were coming pretty regularly, nosotros made the determination to head to St. Lukes.

The boys were big plenty that our OBGYN, Dr. Joy Olson, said it was go time with the boys. Because Kristopher was breach, we knew Michelle was going to have a C-section delivery. You lot always worry with C-section at that place could be complications, but in our case, every thing went great and at eight:49pm, weighing in at 7lbs, 8oz and measuring 21" long, Kristopher James Murray was born. Not to be outdone by his brother, Keegan Mitchell Murray joined the states one minute later, weighing 7lbs and measuring 21" long. I was so happy, I ran out to the waiting room where our family had gathered and all I could say is, "They look like me!" Pretty bold and narcissistic of me at a moment where my wife, who had endured 37 weeks of her whole world irresolute, was laying on an operating table with her torso numb and insides exposed. With the boys in the nursery and Michelle resting (not so comfortably), I made the rounds in calling friends and family about the boys joining us. When Michelle was awake and warning, the nurses wheeled Kris and Keegan into her room and our family was together. No bigger joy than having to healthy baby boys, crying, eating and sleeping in your artillery. My center was total and Team Murray was ready to tip off!

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